B.F.A. Studio Art, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1973 M.A. Art History, University of Delaware, 1977 Ph.D. Art History, Columbia University, 1985
Artistic Work
I have been active as an artist since 2008. My artistic production comprises photographic and multi-media work using a variety of styles and processes. In addition to working independently, I have also worked in collaboration with photographer Emma Powell on our environmental fairytale, Svala’s Saga.
Gallery Representation
Photographic Gallery of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Kirsten Hoving: Solo and Small Group Exhibitions
Visionary Fabrications. Park Circle Gallery, North Charleston, SC, September 4-28, 2024. (Thrity-Four photo objects)
Wanderings in the Mermaid’s Palace. Redux Contemporary Art Center, Charleston, SC, August 30-October 19, 2024 (Forty-one photo objects).
Featured Local Artist, The Vendue, Charleston, SC, July-October, 2024. (Eight photo-object panels)
Fabricated Visions: Photographs on Silk by Kirsten Hoving, Photographic Gallery San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, September 26-October 31, 2023 (Forty objects). Additional gallery artists group shows at Photographic Gallery SMA.
Grand Bohemian Gallery, Piccolo Spoleto Invited Popup (with Hirona Matsuda), May 27-31, 2023
Fabricated Visions: Photographs on Silk by Kirsten Hoving, Southeast Center for Photography, Greenville, SC, February 2-March 23, 2023 (Thirty-six objects).
Fabricated Visions: Photographs on Silk by Kirsten Hoving, The Public Works Arts Center, Summerville, SC, June 16-July 30, 2022. (Thirty objects).
Community Collection (seven local photographers) Gallery 26, at The Vendue Hotel, Charleston, SC, Aug-6 - November 15th. (five large-format photographs from Working Stone)
Working Stone, Gallery 1056, Redux Center for Contemporary Art, Charleston, SC, April 9 - May 22, 2021. (twenty-one photographs)
Summer's End, Edgewater Gallery, Middlebury Vermont. August 2019 (six photographs from the Water's Edge series)
The Way We See It. Work by Four Women Artists, Edgewater Gallery, Middlebury, VT, June 1-30, 2018 (nine photographs from Herbarium series)
Day Dreamers and Night Wanderers, Vermont Center for Photography, Brattleboro, VT, February 1-28, 2013 (thirty-two black and white photographs)
Now You See It: Color and the Mind’s Eye, Central Booking Gallery, New York. September 8 – October 24, 2011 Invited group exhibition of artists working in various media (four photographs)
Still Life and Diorama, Plates to Pixels Gallery (online), Nov. 2011. (Juror: Blue Mitchell, eight photographs)
Night Wanderers, Sibley Gallery, New Orleans, December 2011 (sixteen black and white photographs)
Swimmers and Dreamers, Southern Vermont Art Center, August 28 – Sept. 26, 2010. (thirty black and white photographs)
Roots and Wings, Creative Space Gallery, Vergennes, VT, May-July, 2010.
Spirits, Dreams, and Half-Remembered Tales: Photographs by Emma Powell, Kirsten Hoving, and Bridget Milligan, The Town Hall Theater Gallery, Middlebury, VT, March-April 2009.
When Trees Dream, Walkover Gallery, Bristol, VT July 6-September 5, 2008 (thirty-six color photographs)
Selected Solo and Small Group Exhibitions of Svala’s Saga (with Emma Powell)
Tribe. Selections from Svala’s Saga chosen along with the work of eight American women photographers. William Henry Fox Talbot Museum, Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire, UK. Feb 3 – May, 20, 2018 (curators: Roger Watson and Lori Vrba) (12 photographs)
Svala’s Saga, The Southeast Center for Photography, Greenville, SC. March 1-April 30, 2017 (24 photographs)
Alternative Photography, The Far Eastern Museum of Art, Khaborovsk, Russia. February 2017. (10 photographs)
Svala’s Saga, The Lionheart Gallery, Pound Ridge, NY, September 9 – November 1, 2016 (22 photographs)
Svala’s Saga, Open Aperture Gallery, Newport, RI, October 1 – November 7, 2015 (10 photographs)
Svala’s Saga, The Leeds Gallery, Earlham College, Richmond, IN. August-September, 2015. (22 photographs)
Kirsten Hoving: Selected Group Invited and Juried Exhibitions
Being in Place, Slow Exposures in the Barn, September 18-21, four photographs (curated by Anne Berry)
Curator’s Selections, The Photographic Gallery San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, July 27-August 31, 2024
Creative Corridors, Redux Contemporary Art Center, May 31-August 17, 2024, two photographs
Slow Exposures Group Exhibition, Zebulon and LaGrange, GA, September 14-October 17, 2023 (Jurors Aline Smithson and Alexa Dilworth)
Finding Magic, Slow Exposures in the Barn, September 14-17 and the Path Museum, Atlanta, 2023-24 (curated by Anne Berry)
Creative Corridors, Redux Contemporary Art Center, Charlesto n, SC. June 2 -July 15, 2023.
Montgomery Photography Fesitval, Montgomery AL, May 2023 (Juror Richard Osgood)
The Gap Gallery, Charleston, May 2023
Gallery Artists Exhibition,The Photographic Gallery San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, May 2023
Piccolo Spoleto juried exhibition, The City Gallery, Charleston, April 15-May25, 2023.
Piccolo Spoleto juried exhibition, The City Gallery, Charleston, May 27-June 12, 2022. Juror Marie Carladous (Best Photogtraphy Award)
Photo Nola Group Show, Photographic Gallery San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, January 2023
The South is Made of Stories, Slow Exposures in the Barn, September 2022 (six photographers, curated by Anne Berry)
Conversations from the Archive, Southeast Center for Photography, Greenville, SC. April 1-30, 2022. Juror: Aline Smithson.
Black, White & Monochrome, Southeast Center for Photography, Greenville, SC, February 4 - 26, 2022. Juror Doug Beasley. (After Apple Picking)
Environmental Alterations, Millepiani Gallery, Rome, Italy, August 25 - September 2, 2021. (Working Stone 1 and 2)
Creative Corridors, Redux Contemporary Art Center, Charleston, SC - June 4 - July 24, 2021 (Ficus Religiosa and Floating)
Fauna, Center for Photography, Greenville, SC. April 2, 2012 - April 24, 2012. Juror: Carol Erb. (One photograph selected: Diving King Penguin from the series Aviary).
International Juried Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. November 14-December 20, 2020 (online). Juror: Aline Smithson. (Two photographs selected: Clio, The Muse of History and Urania and The Muse of Astronomy, from the series Inspiration)
Creative Corridors, Redux Contemporary Art Center, Charleston, SC (curator Cara Leepson). May - July, 2020. (Two photo collages, Corona Diary I, On Thin Ice and Corona Diary II, Electrical Fish)
Creative Corridors. Redux Contemporary Art Center, Charleston, SC. June 1 - July 13, 2019. (Two large photo constructions: Surveillance and Rio Grande)
Piccolo Spoleto, Juried Art Exhibition. City Gallery, Charleston, SC. May 24-June 9, 2019. (Juror: Ariane King Comer) (one photo construction)
The Festival, The Bennington Museum, Bennington, VT, Nov. 24-Dec. 28, 2017. (Invited exhibition, curator: Jamie Franklin)
Conversations, A. Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX. Aug. 1- Sept. 14, 2014. (Honorable Mention Award)
Aviary, Big Town Gallery, Rochester, VT. October 1 – Nov. 30, 2013.
Structure, A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX. 2012
Texas Photographic Society, TPS 21: The National Competition, A. Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas, Aug. 3-26, 2012, then traveling throughout Texas for one year. (Juror: Aline Smithson, Second Place Prize)
Intimacy and Voyeurism, Society for Photographic Education, Women’s Caucus Juried Exhibition, California Institute of Integral Studies, Minna Street Gallery, March 19 – March 30, 2012. (Jurors: Patrick Nagatani and Joyce Neimanas)
Domes of the World, International Congress, Photography exhibition, Auditorium al Duomo, Florence, Italy. March 19-23, 2012.
Texas Photographic Society Member’s Only Show, Options Gallery, Odessa College. Jan. 9 – March 9, 2012. (Juror: Henry Horenstein)
Num6ers, Amanda Smith Gallery, Denton, TX. Sept. 30-Nov. 6, 2011. (Jurors: Carol Watson and Amanda Smith). Honorable Mention
Photo + Craft, Lightbox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR, Aug. 13-Oct. 11, 2011. (Jurors: Blue Mitchell, Chelsea and Michael Vincent Granger). Exhibition also featured on the Plates to Pixels online gallery.
Science, Poetry, and the Photographic Image,” SPE Women’s Caucus Juried Exhibition, Trois Gallery, Atlanta, GA; March 4-April 1; Northlight Gallery, Arizona State University, Sept. 13 – Oct. 10, 2011. (Jurors: Mary Ann Lynch and Deborah Willis).
Blue, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Ft. Collins, CO, Jan. 7-29, 2011. (Jurors: Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb, one of 53 photographs chosen from 2492 submissions). Juror’s Honorable Mention Award.
Texas Photographic Society 19th International Exhibition, A. Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX, October 23 – November 17, 2010. (Juror: Kate Ware).
Black and White, Center for Fine Art Photography, Ft. Collins, CO, Aug. 27-Sept. 5, 2010 (Juror: Andrea Modica, one of fifty photographs chosen from 2558 images submitted - featured artist in C4FAP’s “Perspectives” blog, September 1, 2010)
Strange Beauty, Center for Fine Art Photography, Ft. Collins, CO, July 30-Aug. 21, 2010 (Jurors: Darren Ching and Debra Klomp Ching, one of fifty photographs chosen from 1869 submissions)
Landscape, Vermont Center for Photography, Brattleboro, VT, juried exhibition, May, 2010.
Red, Center for Fine Art Photography, Ft. Collins, CO, April 23-May 22, 2010 (Juror: Amber Terranova)
Primavera, Vermont Center for Photography, Brattleboro, VT, April 2010
The Element of Water, Center for Fine Art Photography, Ft. Collins, CO, Feb. 19-March 13, 2010 (Juror: John-Paul Caponigro) (one of fifty photographs chosen from 2300 images submitted)
Evolving Patterns: In Honor of Darwin’s 200th Birthday,” Jackson Gallery,, Middlebury, VT Nov. 13-Jan. 1, 2010. (Jurors: Ken Pohlman, Alice Berninghausen, and Helen Young)
SMaLL, Corden-Potts Gallery, San Francisco, Jan. 5 – Feb. 15, 2010 (Jurors: Jan Potts and Liz Corden)
Body Pulses, Plates to Pixels Gallery (online), Nov. 1-Nov. 30, 2009. (Juror: Nichole DeMent). Third Place Award.
The Spirit World, New Orleans Photo Alliance Gallery, October 1-November 22, 2009 (Juror: Russell Joslin)
Fall Invitational Exhibition, Southern Vermont Art Center, Sept. 26t– Oct. 25, 2009 (Juror: David Miller)
Five Years of Artists at the WalkOver Gallery, September 18-November 1, 2009.
Lake Champlain through the Lens,”Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, September 6 – October 18, 2009 (jurors: Gary Chassman, Jared Gange, Jerry LeBlond). First prize, nature photography, amateur division.
International Juried Exhibition, Texas Photographic Society, 2009-10, year-long travelling exhibit: Dishman Gallery, Johnson City; Center for Contemporary Art, Abeline (Juror: Cig Harvey)
6 x 6 x 2009, Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester, NY, June 6-July 12, 2009.
Champlain’s Lake Rediscovered, Traveling juried exhibition (May 8 – October 31, 2009. Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, Vermont; National Arts Club, New York; The Boston Public Library; Southern Vermont Art Center, Manchester, Vermont; The Vemont State House, Montpelier, Vermont.
Texas Photographic Society Member’s Exhibition, Dishman Museum, Beaumont, TX, January-Feburary 2009 (Juror: Keith Carter)
Formerly and Hereafter, Plates to Pixels, Pacific Northwest Center for Photography Second Annual Juried Exhibition (Juror, Christina Z. Anderson), 2009.
Art in the Round Barn, Waitsfield, VT July 5-September 1, 2008
2023. Julia Margaret Cameron Awards, Honorable Mention in the Open Category (single image, three chosen) and Alternative Processes Series category (six works chosen).
2022. “Best Photography Award,” Piccolo Spoleto Juried Art Exhibition, The City Gallery, Charleston, SC.
2016. Chosen as one of five photographers for the 2017 Texas Photographic Society purchase program. (Coma Berenices, from Night Wanderers)
2011. Photographer’s Forum Annual Spring Photography Awards. Over 14,000 photographs submitted from over 90 countries. Finalist. (Juror: Nell Campbell, photo editor Photographer’s Forum magazine)
2012. “Second Annual Julia Margaret Cameron Awards,” WPGA, UK (Jurors : Rosanna Checchi, Editor in Chief of Zoom and Carol McCusker, curator of The San Diego Museum of Photography) Finalist and Honorable Mention, Fine Arts Category.
Published Photographs, Interviews, and reviews
Chloe Hogan, “Artist Hoving exhibits ‘Wanderings’ at Redux through Oct. 19, Charleston City Paper, August 30, 2024.
Svala’s Saga, hardback book with 56 color photographs,forward by Bill McKibben.
Bodhi Leaf, Charleston Post and Courier, May, 2021.
Antoni Zólciak,” Industrialny obraz kamieniolomów na zdjeciach Kirsten Hoving,” Digital Camera Polska, 3 April, 2014. (14 photographs and article)
Robert Epstein, “Portfolio: Kirsten Hoving captures the beauty of Vermont’s marble quarries,” The Independent (London, UK), Sunday April 20, 2014.
Peter Brook, “The Merciless World of Mining, Made Beautiful in Abstract Photos,” February 25, 2014, WIRED, online raw file feature, 13 color photos.
180 magazine, interview article.
Lenscratch blogzine, April 2012. feature article.
Square Magazine, vol. 3.1, April 2012 (London/Paris), feature article.
Water’s Edge (St. Paul: Taylor and O’Neill, 2012), p. 32 Earth’s Atmosphere, Open to Interpretation: Water’s Edge. Collaborative artist/writer book project. (Juror: Doug Beasley, one of thirty-one photographs chosen from over 1500 submissions).
Juror: Portfolio competition, Portand (OR) Photography Association
Curator: Land and Lens, Middlebury College Museum of Art, 2018 (over 60 photographs by numerous artists over the course of the history of photography, with online digital catalog).
Curator: Alfred Stieglitz and Camera Work, Middlebury College of Art, 2016 (20 photogravures from Camera Work, from private collections and the permanent collection of the Museum)
Selected Art Historical Publications
Joseph Cornell and Astronomy: A Case for the Stars (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009)
Numerous articles on topics in modern art and the history of photography, published in journals, exhibition catalogs, and books of collected essays from 1983 - 2019.